A photo safari through Madrid

After about two weeks of rain and pitiful weather, the sun shyly began to peer through the clouds on Sunday. Spencer and I knew we had to leave our apartment and do something. But we didn't really know what.We had just purchased nine plane tickets, so spending money of any kind was nixed from our Sunday afternoon agenda.Go for a run? Pssh.Museum? I hate them.Go shopping? Oh right, we choose to buy flights, not clothes.Take a walk? Maybe...And then it hit me. A photo safari!So I did a little research, created ten categories and off we went to one of Madrid's quirkier neighborhoods on the search for some big game.With our cameras around our necks, we needed to find these items in Malasaña:

  1. Geometrical shapes
  2. Something sexy (not a human)
  3. A person doing their job
  4. Nature in an urban setting
  5. Something that represents Spain
  6. An emotion
  7. A pattern
  8. Symmetry
  9. Something that won't be around in five years
  10. A lazy sunday

The beauty of this game is you can interpret the categories in any way you like! It also forces you to do a little exploring and see your surroundings differently. Plus, it fit into our $0.00 budget quite nicely!Here's what I found...

1.  Geometrical shapes.


2.  Something sexy

"With you to the end of the world."


3.  A person doing their job.

One of the best jobs in the whole world... am I right?!


4. Nature in an urban setting


5. Something that represents Spain

Nothing I love more than a Spanish-style street. And alliteration.


6.  An emotion



7. A pattern

If this isn't a pattern, I don't know what is.


8.  Symmetry

I don't know if you can call this symmetry, but remember how you can interpret it any way you like?!


9.  Something that won't be around in five years

I don't reeeally know if this will be around in five years or not, but it's worn and completely different than it's surroundings.


10.  A lazy Sunday


The rest of these photos are just other things that I found I love about Malasaña and Madrid. They didn't exactly fall into any of the categories, but I like them nonetheless.




I'll take one of each, please. ^




Valentine's Day gone terribly wrong or nature in an urban setting?

If you want to see Spencer's version of the photo safari, click here!Have you ever done a photo safari? Is this something you might consider trying in the future?


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