Tea Time|03.02.15

I'm thrilled to introduce a new series I've started called Tea Time. One of my favorite things to do is sit down with my grandma and a hot cup of tea to chat about life, travel and adventures. Grandma Pat is definitely to blame for my tea addiction, coconut allergy, and wicked case of wanderlust, so I wanted to start this series in her honor. My goal is to share some highlights from my week--all the things that made me smile, warmed my soul, or brought about inspiration. All of the sweet little things that could easily come up during a tea time in Tucson. Enjoy! 

Tasty Treats

image2Last Monday, we went to Salon des Fleurs, which is the ultimate cafe, flower shop, vintage boutique fusion. The aroma of fresh-cut flowers, the inviting chairs, the exotic teas, and the timeless decor made me feel immersed in a hidden paradise in the midst of a busy neighborhood. I sipped on some apple pie tea and munched on some violet cake... and now I want to eat all the violet things. I'll definitely be back. Tomorrow, in fact.image3image4

out & about

When I have a free weekend in Madrid, one of my favorite things to do is wander around a "barrio" I'm not very familiar with. This weekend, I met Courtney, from Adelante Blog, for some brunch in the Alonso Martinez neighborhood. En route, I was fighting both tardiness and temptation as I found something alluring to photograph after every five steps. Since the weather was so exceptional, I made Spencer go back to the neighborhood with me later on that afternoon for some more leisurely exploration.I actually squealed when I turned the corner and found this duo flawlessly standing in all their turquoise and orange glory, finally claiming the prize for my all-time favorite architecture in Madrid.Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

What I'm watching

I was so late to jump on The Office bandwagon, but yesterday we finally finished the entire series. By the time the finale finished, I was a blubbering, snotty, dramatic mess on the search for some tissues. I didn't think I could love a series as much as Friends, but this one definitely comes close. I'm a huge sucker for nostalgia and this quote from Andy really struck a chord with me and made me cry even harder than I did when Dwight called Pam his best friend.


"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." 


I really, really love Instagram and the creativity hidden in all of its corners. I follow several accounts that fill my feed with finesse and inspiration and make it oh, so pretty to look at. I plan to feature one of my favorites here every week, this week's being @IHaveThisThingWithFloors. I just recently discovered this account and I love how it's made me more aware of the beauty and design that can so easily sneak underneath my shoes. It showcases beautiful floors (and stylish kicks) from around the world.


on my radar

I need to visit Heritage Square in California ASAP (mostly because I must photograph this Victorian house myself, and I have a new obsession with California). Located in Los Angeles, Heritage Square is a outdoor museum full of well-preserved, historical Southern California homes.

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Cheers to Monday!

*What would you like to see featured on Tea Time? If you have any suggestions or advice for this new series I'd love to hear more!


Sushi 101 at La Fresca


An architectural love affair with Madrid